I hear it all the time or I “get it” through what’s not said…
WHY does she post her damn workout photos every day? WHY is she always talking about this healthy lifestyle and her business?
Well, I can tell you why. I have a very strong WHY… ??
One of the main reasons that I work out every day and watch what I eat is because I want to be healthy – both physically AND mentally – to be the best mama I can be to my kids.
For anyone that has never been through their marriage ending, let me just say, it’s NOT EASY.
I know that people probably look at me and think “life is easy for her”. And YES, my life is pretty damn good right now. I am blessed to have a successful career (two very different careers in fact ?), I have a beautiful home, I have two children that blow my mind every day with THEIR freaking amazingness ? (and lets’ not forget Charles, the famed Persian ?). I have wonderful family and friends. So it’s all pretty good if you ask me ? But maybe not everyone knows the struggle to get to this place in my life.
Almost 3 years ago when I moved into this house by myself, my life didn’t feel so amazing. I felt like a FAILURE. I have grown so much since then (largely through my coaching journey – thank goodness for small miracles ? and for things finding you at the EXACT right time in life). But, what I have realized through all my personal development is that we are only a failure when we completely give up.
I wanted to give up for a while… as in, I wanted to sit home in my sweats (the same ones I’d had on for probably the past 5 days), eat chocolate and continue to binge watch whatever struck my fancy on Netflix. I didn’t want to go to work. I didn’t want to go out. I didn’t want to do anything. Although our marriage did not end because of any terrible traumatic event (and I am so thankful that we are on very good terms and have always made co-parenting the kids in a positive manner our number one priority), it did end. And that means the end of one’s life as you knew it for however many years. That means a significant amount of change and a significant impact to children ?. I felt like I had failed myself, failed my children, failed what was always in my mind as what life SHOULD look like.
The point of this post is not to dwell on that though, but simply to say that we ALL have our own battles that people often aren’t aware of. So, don’t ever judge somebody before you know their full story.
I worked hard to work through the sadness of a drastic life change and to be able to give my kids the very best version of me. And THAT best version of me involves a mama who gets her ass out of bed early every morning to get her workout in ??‍♀️and who does her best to set a healthy example for her little babes. ?
And that shift in ME from my working out and eating well was so profound that I now coach other women in how to do those things because how could I NOT share that? So yes, part of that involves sharing my story every day. #anothersweatyselfie
I am truly grateful every day for where my life is now, but I’m also grateful for the tough times that got me to the place I am today. All the chapters of our life form a part of our story. ?

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